Joint Statement by the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association (CMMOTA), the Certified Registered Massage Therapist Association (CRMTA), the Massage Therapist Association of Alberta (MTAA), and the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association (NHPC) and supported by the Transitional Council for the College of Massage Therapists of Alberta (TC-CMTA)
We wish to remind Massage Therapists in Alberta that the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Manual will remain in force for all Alberta members of the above Massage Associations.
Regardless of any announcements made by the Alberta Government leading up to the July 1 date, this Manual will remain in effect until at least July 10th.
Further direction will be provided leading up to July 10 through a joint statement from all Associations on what, if any, mandatory requirements contained in the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Manual will be removed or updated. Please continue to follow all COVID 19 protocols, including mandatory masking in clinic space for all persons in attendance at a clinic.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your respective association for clarification.