Canadian Massage Therapy Associations Release Covid-19 Manual for Alberta Massage Therapists

December 28, 2020

This is a joint statement by the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association (CMMOTA), the Certified Registered Massage Therapist Association (CRMTA), the Massage Therapist Association of Alberta (MTAA), and the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association (NHPC) and supported by the Transitional Council for the College of Massage Therapists of Alberta (TC-CMTA)

We are pleased to present the Massage Therapy industry in Alberta with our jointly established COVID 19 Infection Prevention and Control Manual for Massage Therapists in Alberta document.  This document will come into effect January 4, 2021 and will be enforced by all four associations. Please adjust your massage therapy practices to reflect the requirements in this document.

A list of suppliers where you may be able to source ASTM Level 1 or higher masks is included at the end of this document.  Please be aware that the box should have the level listed on the outside of the box or may contain a paper on the inside of the box stating the ASTM level of the mask.

Be aware that some hand sanitizers have been recalled by Health Canada, so please check to be sure that the hand sanitizer you are providing your clientele has not been recalled – (

The exemption allowing return to work established on December 22, 2020, which was provided by the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) may be terminated or modified by the CMOH in writing without notice and for any reason as determined by the CMOH.

In the event of additional measures or directives by Alberta public health authorities, if those measures or directives are of a higher standard than this document, the directions of the Alberta public health authority take precedence.

When changes to requirements are made by the Alberta public health authority, we commit to providing the Massage Therapy industry in Alberta with continued joint updates.

We remind all massage therapists that you have the option to return to work, and it remains the choice of the individual therapist on when they choose to return.

We wish you all a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year.

Download the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Manual for Massage Therapists in Alberta

Supplier List:





Apollo Management Solutions

All Clean Natural

Westkey | Xibita  [email protected] 

CB Medical 

Hardy Medical Supplies 

Wood Wyant

MDX Services