Update to CRMTA Members April 2021

We are aware that some of you may have received an email yesterday from the Hon. Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health, including the following message:

“Additionally, please know that the Ministry of Health has been working with Alberta-based massage therapy associations over the past several years to discuss regulation of the profession. However, the associations have yet to demonstrate unity and alignment as a profession. When a profession seeks regulation under the Health Professions Act, unity within the profession is paramount as it demonstrates the profession is able to self-govern. Please be assured that we have advised the massage therapy associations to collaborate and submit a joint application in order to move forward with regulation of the profession.”

When the joint application was submitted to the Government of Alberta on September 4, 2020, we would like to highlight that all associations signed the application, and CRMTA is of the understanding that all of the province’s massage therapy associations are working together toward the unity the Health Minister requires.

CRMTA has been in communication with the Minister of Health on how the profession is to move forward towards regulation, and we will continue to work towards that goal.

CRMTA is committed to working with the associations in order to meet the Alberta Government’s requirements to move forward with regulation, and we are in the process of booking joint meetings with the associations in the upcoming months. The discussions between the associations are conducted in a respectful, significant, and meaningful way.

The associations have been invited to participate in the development of regulation documents including an updated application with the additional information that has been requested and will be forwarded to the Government of Alberta as soon as possible.

If you have received this communication from the Health Minister and wish to respond to the Health Minister, we respectfully ask that you indicate that you support the efforts that the CRMTA and other associations are making to bring unity to the profession.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this communication, please feel free to contact the CRMTA Registrar at [email protected].