Milestone Update to the Massage Profession Regarding Regulation of Massage Therapy in Alberta

Dear Alberta Massage Therapists,

We have reached a historic milestone in the move to regulate Massage Therapy in Alberta. The Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association (CMMOTA), Certified Registered Massage Therapist Association (CRMTA), Massage Therapists Association of Alberta (MTAA), Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) and Transitional Council for the College of Massage Therapists of Alberta (TC-CMTA) jointly take great pleasure to inform you of the successful formation of the Alberta Working Group for the Regulation of Massage Therapy. The Working Group has been formed to complete the tasks which the Hon. Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health requires to move forward with regulation in Alberta.

The Working Group is pleased to inform you of how we plan to proceed together in unity. Christy Kasur, as President of the TC-CMTA, will act as the facilitator and lead communicator. She will remain the main point of contact of the Working Group for government and media. The Working Group is comprised of three representatives from each of the four major Massage Therapy Associations in Alberta. Moving forward, all activities regarding regulation will be completed through consensus decisions and directives by the Working Group to promote the regulation of Massage Therapy in Alberta.

In demonstration of our unity, governing documents have been created for the Working Group, which have been submitted to Alberta Health. Their response included that they are “pleased to hear that the major associations have found a way to come together to make joint decisions on the revised application for regulation of massage therapy in Alberta.  This is a really encouraging step forward.”

In the interest of transparency and to ensure that you remain informed, Milestone Updates to the profession will be provided by your association through normal communication platforms when important milestones are reached on the road to the introduction of legislation for regulation in Alberta.

We are excited about moving forward in unity. We will update you soon on the milestones that we achieve together.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your association.