
All Active and Associate CRMTA members must complete 30 Continuing Education credits (CEC) every 3 years in order to maintain their CRMTA membership. A maximum of 10 of the 30 credits can be secondary credits.

CRMTA offers its members many opportunities to continually enhance their education. See full list of CRMTA Approved Workshops and Courses here.

Approved Courses

If you have completed a course from our Approved Courses and Workshops list, please submit your certificate of completion to your local CRMTA office in Edmonton or Calgary.

How to get a Course approved

Unapproved courses need to be submitted with appropriate documentation in order to have the course evaluated for credits.

The Course Evaluation form must be completed by your instructor and provided to the CRMTA office. We require the following documentation in its entirety:

  • Completed CRMTA Course Evaluation Form found here
  • Outline of the benefit of massage and any anatomy review or contraindications to treatments
  • Prerequisites to taking Course / Workshop
  • Referenced Texts: Detailed list of recognized reference texts. Wikipedia does not count
  • Delivery method: Ex. in class, online, video, mentoring, modules
  • Learning outcomes: Expected skills to be developed by this training for the therapist
  • A list of all topics covered with a brief description of each
  • A detailed course timeline: This must be very specific, usually in half-hour increments and including breaks
  • Previous Approval of Course / Workshop from other Associations or regulatory bodies
  • Credentials from instructors: Please include education certifications, curriculum vitae / resume and training experience

NOTE: If you are a CRMTA member planning to take a course, we cannot guarantee that CRMTA will approve every course for Continuing Education certification as each course needs to be evaluated for value, education competence, primary or secondary credit and more prior to it being approved as a CRMTA approved CE course.

If you are currently a practicing massage therapist in Alberta and are seeking education opportunities, visit our Approved Courses and Workshops page to learn more about our pre-approved programs.

Have questions about CRMTA and its Membership Benefits? Contact Us!